General Information:
Eagle’s Wings Athletics offers both recreational and competitive fencing. Our fencing classes are for ages 6 and up. We have a strong focus on body position, flexibility and strength, while learning the basic building block skills. We offer 8:1 student/teacher ratios. *participants should wear a good fitting t-shirt and shorts without pockets, strings or zippers on the outside of the shorts. Basic equipment is available for beginning students but equipment will need to be purchased following the completion of the intro class.
Register for a trial class online
Intro to Fencing:
Weekly – 55 Minute Class
Ages 6 and up. Our intro class is for athletes just beginning fencing. The goals of these classes are to learn basic fencing terminology/safety, teach basic body positions, work on strength, and learn 3-4 building block skills on each event while naturally having fun and staying active.
Level 1:
Weekly – 55 Minute Class
Ages 6 and up. In this class we continue to teach fencing terminology/safety and a few new body positions. We also begin to introduce more technique and basic dueling. The participants in this level are encouraged to work flexibility and strength at home as well to help them progress faster.
Level 2/Advanced Training Group (ATG):
Weekly – 1 to 2 Hour Class
Ages 6 and up. Like the previous classes we continue to build on the foundations of body positions and skills with even more emphasis on technique. This is also where some participants begin to be selected for the competitive team possibly, but it is not guaranteed.