Baby Gymnastics

A lot of our moms tell us that they wish there was something to do with their babies.  They always run into issues though….no class young enough for them, no option for the older siblings, and time is always an issue :[  We have decided to do something about that and we have offered our Super Babies Workshop now for over a year!

This class is gymnastics for babies and the benefits are amazing!  Check out this article straight from the USA Gymnastics website {this is the governing body that just sent the Fierce Five to win Gold at the Olympics!}. You could purchase a gift card for baby gymnastics and put it in a maternity package for an expecting mother.


What We Really Do
By Michael A. Taylor
Last month I wrote an article about easy ways to reward employees. I outlined many ways you could help workers feel valued and appreciated. There is no dismissing the importance of a smile, a thank you or a pat on the back. Perhaps the most essential reward an employee can receive is one that they can give themselves. The most vital reward is the intrinsic reward of simply feeling good about what we do because we recognize the true value of what we do. How do we accomplish the warm-fuzzies when all we do is “teach cartwheels?”
Let’s take a look at what we do. Patty PreSchool Teacher runs around and sings songs and plays with little kids all morning; Betty Beam Choreographer dances around all afternoon helping kids walk straight and point their toes; Victor Vault Coach stands around spotting handsprings all evening. When asked about what they do, most gymnastics instructors answer with things like, “I teach gymnastics” or “I coach level 5” or “I’m a preschool movement educator.” If you asked them about their jobs, all three would probably say that for the most part they really enjoy what they do. Typically they are glad they get to work with children, hang out with people with similar interests, dress casually, remain active and maybe they would tell you the best part is they get paid for something they like to do.
Do they know what they are really doing? Current research confirms that physical activity is imperative to early brain development and learning. Studies show that children learn cognitive skills more effectively in an environment that includes the body as well as the mind (Barrett, 1998). Gymnastics and early childhood movement education is directly attributed to developing neurological pathways in students and promoting reading readiness. While Patty PreSchool Teacher runs about and plays with her little kids, she is preparing her students for successful experiences in school; children who have participated in movement education activities have longer attention spans, increased communication skills, general problem solving skills and improved self-esteem.
Recreational gymnastics is a key to balanced human development and has been proven to be a significant factor in reducing alcohol and drug use (Williams, 1994). Victor Vault Coach is directly responsible for reducing the crime rate in the city; statistics show that children actively engaged in organized “positive choice” extra-curricular activities such as youth sports are less likely to be involved in self-destructive and anti-social behavior and juvenile crime (Soenstrom, 1986).
With obesity affecting an epidemic 13% of the school-age population (Centers for Disease Control, 2001), healthy activities like gymnastics keeps our kids off the couch and engaged in a healthy lifestyle. Betty Beam Choreographer is contributing to lower health care costs in the United States; active children are more likely to grow to become active and healthier adults, reducing the burden on the health care system. Sedentary lifestyles have been linked to the development of coronary heart disease, diabetes mellitus and numerous other chronic ailments. Nurturing the enjoyment of movement and motor skill development at an early age will help to promote continued participation in physical activity. Long range, these active and therefore healthier adults are more likely to be more productive at work, take less sick days, and have fewer “on the job” accidents (Paffenbarger, 1986). Gymnastics also contributes to the immediate economic vitality of your local community; gym owners pay rent, employ people, pay taxes and purchase goods.
{Article Source}

The earlier you can get your kids moving the better!  I don’t mean crawling or walking, I just mean moving in general…in our class your child will roll on mats, jump on trampolines with mom, play with toys and interact with other kids their age!  We really hope you join us this Friday from 10a-11a…Now on to the details…

It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s a Super Baby!!! Calling all kiddos 6 weeks to 17 months….you are invited to join us every 2nd Friday of the month from 10a-11a in Allen. These tiny athletes will learn to stretch, roll, and explore the gym with their mommies or daddies :] Older kids are welcome to come and play with our staff members while you do the class with your little one! Call for more information…972.727.9911


$4 Members
$6 Non Members
$3 Older Siblings

*Try our NEW Playgroup Pack*

Our Playgroup Pack is a great way to save some money!  Just get 5 mommies or more together to come to open gym…call ahead and let us know your *Playgroup* is coming on Friday and you and your friends get in for Member rate!!  You must reserve your spot as we only allow a restricted number of playgroups to get the discount each week, and you must guarantee at least 5 mommies to get the discount!  Call and make sure you get your discount before someone else grabs it out from underneath you!

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Gymnastics in Allen

104 N. Greenville Ave
Allen, TX 75002
P: 972.727.9911
F: 972.727.9970

Gymnastics in Anna

801 CR 286 Suite 502
Anna, TX 75409
P: 972.924.2224
F: 972.924.2370

Gymnastics in Prosper

101 Dylan Dr. Suite A
Prosper, TX 75078
P: 972.347.5540
F: 972.347.5570